...购母公司 探索频道母公司19.4亿美元收购欧洲多国电视资产 2012-12-17 02:30 0 据外电报道,探索频道母公司探索通信公司(DISCA)14日宣布,将斥资19.4亿美元收购欧洲多国电视资产,预计交易将于明年初完成。
买进:探索传媒(DiscoveryCommunications,DISCA)排名第七位 事实证明,不仅仅只有美国人喜欢鲨鱼、黑洞和真实案件推理节目。
The Hub, Hasbro's multi-platform joint venture with Discovery Communications (NASDAQ: DISCA, DISCB, DISCK) launched on October 10, 2010.
ENGADGET: Transformers: Dark of the Moon clip breaks down shooting movies, special effects in 3D (video)
Other competitors in the services sector include: Discovery Communications (DISCA), CBS (CBS), and Crown Media Holdings (CRWN).
FORBES: Earnings Preview: Scripps Network Interactive
Discovery Communications (DISCA) reports its fourth quarter earnings on Thursday, February 14, 2013.
FORBES: Earnings Preview: Discovery Communications