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经济学 拆卸 Remanufacturing is the transformation of used products into products, which satisfy exactly the same quality and other standards as new products. Remanufacturing is accomplished through necessary disassembly, examination and repair as well as replacement of components and parts. 再制造是通过必要的拆卸、检修和零部件更换等,将废旧产品恢复得如同新的一样的过程,适用于汽车、计算机、打印机、复印机、手机、电视机、冰箱、空调器、洗衣机、轮胎、印刷电路板等众多产品。
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计算机科学技术 反汇编 Software entity must guarantee its running security in order to prevent the outer analyses and attacks for example disassembly in order to improve self-protection ability. 软件实体必须从实现机制上保证其运行安全性以抵御外部的分析和攻击,如进行反跟踪和反汇编以增强程序的自我保护能力。 拆装 The system can be operated interactively,like assembly,disassembly,part looking over,etc. 该系统通过外部编程语言控制,可与装配体对象进行实时交互操作,如自动拆装、手动拆装、零件查看等。
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