释义 |
1 ?表亲 ... Bond stock证券 Cousinship表亲 Departure离开 ... 2 ?古代称父之姐妹所生子女为外兄弟姐妹 [cousin;cousinship;cousinhood] 古代称父之姐妹所生子女为外兄弟姐妹,称母之姐妹所生子女为内兄弟姐妹。外为表,内为中,合而称之中表 3 ?姨表 姨表 the relationship between the children of sisters; cousinship; maternal cousin ..
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My uncle was not my grandma's son, she had not a son. My uncle was her nephew, and my aunt was of a cousinship. 舅舅不是外婆的儿子,外婆没有儿子,舅舅是她的外甥,舅妈是表的。 - 2
The marriage System of Cousinship "is a special marriage form, which has universally existed since human beings instituted consanguineous family." “姑舅表婚制”是人类自血缘家庭建立以来,一直普遍存在的一种特殊的婚姻形式。 - 3
His creed of determinism was such that it almost amounted to a vice, and quite amounted, on its negative side, to a renunciative philosophy which had cousinship with that of Schopenhauer and Leopardi. 他深深地信仰宿命论,以至于这种信仰都差不多成了一种毒害,在消极方面简直就和放弃哲学一样,和叔本华与雷奥巴狄的哲学同出一源。