释义 |
1 ?航向保持 基于双螺旋桨差动调节的双体船航向智能控制研究_电子资料文库 关键词:双螺旋桨推进;航向保持;模糊控制 [gap=788]Key words: propulsion with double propellers; course keeping; fuzzy control 2 ?保持航向 ... costs keeping 成本管理 course keeping 保持航向 course-keeping 保持航向; 维持航向 ...
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The control principle of airspeed keeping, altitude keeping, course keeping and swerve control is analyzed, too. 进行了空速保持、高度保持、航向保持和转弯控制等控制律的详细分析。 - 2
The more students who enroll in a course but don't come to campus, the more the school saves on keeping the lights on in the classrooms, paying doorkeepers, and maintaining parking lots. 报名参加课程但不来校园的学生越多,学校在教室照明、支付门卫工资和维护停车场方面节省的开支就越多。 - 3
Because the course of action they took turned out badly, they believe that the opposite course—keeping Mother at home, postponing the operation—would have turned out better. 因为他们采取的行动结果很糟糕,他们认为相反的做法——让母亲呆在家里,推迟手术——会有更好的结果。