释义 |
电路耦合 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?电路耦合 ... coupling nut ==> 联接螺帽,联接螺母,连接螺帽 coupling of circuits ==> 电路耦合 coupling of definite amount of filling ==> 定充量耦合器 ...
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Substrate noise coupling effect often occurs in the DSM mixed signal ICs, which seriously interferes the normal performance of the analog circuits. 衬底噪声耦合是深亚微米混合信号集成电路中常见的噪声干扰效应,严重地影响了模拟电路的性能。 - 2
Capacitors are essential components of virtually every type of electronic equipment. They are widely used for bypassing, coupling, filtering, and tuning electronic circuits. 电容器是各种电子设备中的基本元件,广泛地应用于对电子电路进行旁路、耦合、滤波和调谐等。 - 3
By coupling of many chaotic circuits, orbits can be closed each other, distance can be shorted, and noise in measuring can be reduced. 它是通过混沌电路的耦合,使耦合轨道相互靠拢,轨道距离减少,从而抑制电路中的噪声。