Whatever the reason, though, the possibility of running Linux on other systems, coupled with widespread buzz and interest in Linux, led to an interesting development in 1998.
但是,不论什么原因,在其他系统上运行 Linux 的可能性,以及广为流传的与 Linux 有关的术语和趣事,这些导致了 1998 年的一个有趣开发。
We do a trick with TORQUE coupled with the Maui scheduler to keep our users off the cluster unless they are running a job.
我们喜欢结合使用 TORQUE 和 Maui 调度程序来把用户挡在集群之外(除了运行作业)。
The falling price of computing power (including software) coupled with the move to PCs means that the cost of running MT has fallen dramatically.