Lymphoid CD4 counttesting, infected persons should be inspected once every six months, the patient every 3 months to check the time, in the past, also have to pay 100 yuan for each testing fee.
CD 4淋巴计数检测,感染者每半年要检查一次,病人则每3个月要检查一次,以往也是每次要交100元的检测费。
Patient losses between HIV testing, baseline CD4 cell count and the start of care and art are high.
患者在艾滋病毒检测、基准CD 4细胞数量及开始护理和抗逆转录病毒疗法的流失是较高的。
MMI has a default threshold count that was carefully chosen, through extensive testing and research, for each platform IBM JVM delivered for to achieve balanced performance.
为了达到平衡的性能,MMI 对于 IBM JVM 支持的每种平台都有一个默认的上限计数器,这是经过仔细选择的,并经过了广泛的测试和研究。