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埃德加德加, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
On sale was “Blanchisseuses souffrant des dents”(Laundry women with toothache), a painting by Edgar Degas, which had been stolen in 1973 from a museum where it had been on loan from the Louvre. 这幅画在1973年一家博物馆从卢浮宫暂借展览时失窃了。 - 2
An 1883 profile portrait of Henri Cordier, an eminent Sinologist, writing in his study surrounded by books and papers reveals a touch of Edgar Degas. 创作于1883年的亨利·科尔迪埃的侧面肖像反映了埃德加·德加对古斯塔夫·卡勒波特的影响。 作品中的亨利·科尔迪埃,这位杰出的汉学家,正在书房里伏案疾书,周围满是书和稿纸。 - 3
Ballet Rehearsal on the Stage, by Edgar Degas.