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deforestation 英/ ?di??f?r??ste??n / 美/ ?di??f??r??ste??(?)n / - 1
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经济学 森林滥伐 In his book Forest and Development: Deforestation in the Philippines(1946-1995),Professor Bao Maohong depicted a comprehensive view of the Philippines deforestation history and its political and socioeconomic development after the World WarⅡ. 包茂红先生撰写的《森林与发展:菲律宾森林滥伐研究(1946—1995)》,从战后菲律宾政治、经济、社会与森林互动共生的角度,全面展示了菲律宾森林生态发展的曲折历史,是当前环境史研究的优秀史著。
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生物学 砍伐 With the number of wood rugby reduced habitat area decreased,but the wood is still the dominant species rugby,rugby describes the wood species become rare human deforestation is the main reason. 木榄数量随栖息地面积减少而减少,但木榄仍是优势种,表明造成木榄成为偶见种的主要原因是人为砍伐。 采伐 Picea purpurea forests are the object of deforestation, therefore, they are the very landscape type which are influenced most directly by people's activity, and they changed most over the past 40 years. 由于紫果云杉林是当地人们采伐的对象,因此它是受到人为干扰影响最直接和最大的景观类型,L1自1967年的24.262%下降到2006年的15.646%,其下降范围集中在3450m~4000m。 滥伐
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