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- 压缩感知:一种用于高效获取和重构信号的信号处理技术,通过解决欠定线性系统来实现。
1 ?压缩感知 压缩感知(Compressed sensing,CS)是一种新的信号采样理论。压缩感知理论与传统采样定理不同,它指出,如果信号本身具有稀疏特性,或在某一变换域中可以被稀疏化表... 2 ?压缩传感 近年来国际上出现的压缩传感(compressed sensing)即cs理论,在采样.. 3 ?缩感知 ...压缩感知(compressed sensing, 简称CS)是一门新兴的数学理论和信息技术,打破了传统的奈奎斯特-香农采样定理对采样频率与信号频率相关的限制,可用更少的测量来... 4 ?压缩感知理论 近年新提出的压缩感知理论(Compressed Sensing)是基于信号的稀疏性,通过选择适当的观测矩阵进行非相关性测量,得到信号的少量观测值,实现信号的压缩,利用最优化算法,可以从少量观...
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Recently, a new sampling theorem has been proposed-compressed sensing. - 2
Compressed sensing is a novel technology in signal information processing. It offers a new wide-band spectrum detection scheme in cognitive radio. 信号信息处理的新技术压缩感知,提供了认知无线电中宽带频谱检测的新方案。 - 3
The reconstruction of MRI based on compressed sensing is able to recover the original image from the fewer projections using the sparse priors of image. 基于压缩传感的MRI图像重构利用图像稀疏的先验知识能从很少的投影值重构原图像。