释义 |
1 ?法学博士 2008: 法学博士(Doctor of Laws),honoris causa, 不列颠哥伦比亚大学 [3] 2010: Doctor of Medicine, Honorary doctor, Karolinska Institutet [4] 2 ?博士学位 经济 学博士学位 ( Doctor of Laws )18.8万 经济学硕士11.8万+ 博士学位18.8万→23.8万 五、南边学院与黉舍协会 ( 南部 ):: S A C S 进修回报.. 3 ?法学博士学位 ... 博士学位课程 Doctor Progams ; COURSES OF DBA PROGRAM 法学博士学位 SJD ; Doctor of Laws ; doctor of law degree 双博士学位 double degree ... 4 ?博士 它等同于法律博士(Doctor of laws)资格。 “Doctorate”这个词来自于拉丁语“docere”,意思是“to teach”, 拉丁语全称是“licentia docendi”,意思是“license t...
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Italy. 1796 years of natural scientists were Doctor of Laws in 1800 began to teach himself mathematics and physics. 意大利自然科学家。1796年得法学博士,1800年开始自学数学和物理学。 - 2
As a result of his business accomplishments, he received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Freed-Hardeman University. 鉴于他在商业领域取得的成就,他获得了弗里德·哈德曼大学荣誉法学博士学位。 - 3
Blumberg was born in New York in 1925, earned his bachelor's degree with honors in physics at Union College in 1946, and received an Honorary Doctor of Laws from Union in 1977. He had joined the u. 布隆·伯格1925年在纽约出生,1946年在联盟大学的物理学上获得了学士学位,并得到多项荣誉,1977年被授予联盟大学的名誉法学博士一职。