释义 |
1 [经]?计数过程 为计数过程(counting process). 若用N(t)表示电话交换台在时间[0,t]中接到 电话呼叫的累计次数,则{N(t) ,t≥0}就是一计数过程. 2 ?计数法 ... Cotton process ether 柯顿氏处理醚 counting process 计数法; 计数过程 covariance stationary process 协方差平稳过程 ... 3 ?计数手续 ... 计算原理 counting principle 计数法;计数手续 counting process 偶;耦合 couple ...
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Therefore, the accumulation process of a BCT can be described as a typical mark value counting process. - 2
In cigarette counting applications, a binarization algorithm is needed for the following counting process. 在烟支计数的实际应用中,为了后续的计数,需要对灰度烟支图像二值化。 - 3
However, towards the end of the drawn-out vote-counting process, the Yes camp pulled ahead on both questions. 然而,随着冗长的计票过程趋向结束,同意的阵营在两个问题上都处领先。