释义 |
1 [核]?计数管寿命 ... 计数管的死时间 die time of counter 计数管寿命 counter life 计数管效率 counter efficiency ...
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As I began to cherish my well being, and counter their humiliations, my life began to improve overall. 于是,我开始珍惜自己的幸福,而且驳回他们的羞辱,从此我的生活得到了全面改善。 - 2
It may mean being deliberately, even brazenly, counter-culture by insisting that more is not better, and by finding your own meaning rather than letting society dictate your life to you. 同时可能是故意的,甚至是明目张胆的反对传统,坚持多必然不够好,同时找寻自我的意义而不是让社会支配他们的生活。 - 3
Don and I regularly5 schmoozed over the counter about movies, our families, our dogs, and philosophies of life. 唐和我常隔着柜台闲聊,聊聊电影、家人、我们的狗狗,还有人生哲学。