...主目录 返回 2008-1-21α和β 位氢有弱酸性 R C W R C- W H B H 有弱酸性 B- (碱) W: 吸电子基(electron withdrawing group) ( ) 在卤代烷中 δδ δ R C C X C C X- HNu β α β R α H H H Nu- 消除βH成烯烃 成 β α和β位氢均有弱酸性 消除反应El...
The electronwithdrawinggroup (F) being introduced into the alkyl groups of then-hexyl ZDDP is able to strengthen chemical adsorption between ZDDP and Fe atoms.
Moreover, We found that the relaxation time of H2TPP with donating electrongroup is about 7 times faster than that with withdrawingelectrongroup.
The dinitrobenzene with electron-withdrawinggroup can be hydrogenated much easier than the dinitrobenzene with electron-donating group.