释义 |
- 数字化部门:负责数字化转型和数字化业务的部门或团队。
1 ?数字鸿沟 信息鸿沟是近年来人们对信息不公平现象的形象表达,信息鸿沟(Information Gap)又称数字鸿沟(Digital Division)简而言之就是信息富有者与信息贫穷者之间存在着的巨大差距。 2 ?企划人员 ... 企划人员Digital Division 服务人员Retail Sales 网络推广Network Promotion ...
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On the other hand, 68% of online retailers say they expect their sales to grow by 15% or more, according to a survey by Shop.org, the digital division of the NRF. 另外,根据Shop.org(美国零售联盟的下属电子分部)的一次调查,68%的线上零售商预计销售额会增长15%或是更多。 - 2
On the other hand, 68% of online retailers say they expect their sales to grow by 15% or more, according to a survey by Shop. org, the digital division of the NRF. 另外,根据Shop.org(美国零售联盟的下属电子分部)的一次调查,68%的线上零售商预计销售额会增长15%或是更多。 - 3
Full use of computer technology, "3s" technology to realize the digital division and mapping can improve efficiency, information-rich content and enhance its timeliness. 充分利用计算机技术、“3s”技术,实现区划和林业用图制作的数字化,能够提高工作效率、丰富信息量、增强时效性。