他们的主教练是底特律活塞(Detr历届梦之队的人员名单美国国家男子篮球队被冠以梦之队这个称呼,是从净胜分跌到21.6分,半决赛仅险胜立陶宛2分,决赛 2008NBA梦之队人...
... detoxication解毒 DETR碎岩的 detraction降低 ...
... TDA 桌子的分布和津贴 DETR 英国环境、食品和农村事务部(英国) NCPI 净保险(保险)的生命纯 ...
He also demanded the creation of a permanent, independent rail accident investigation branch at the DETR.
BBC: Rail inquiry report due on Friday
Meanwhile the Liberal Democrat's Don Foster insisted that Mr Byers "did mislead Parliament" and had failed in his job at the DETR.
BBC: Sixsmith: Byers 'tore up' agreement
"He made clear the Detr will not change its policy, whatever the findings of the Competition Commission in respect of planning, " the report said.
BBC: Keep supermarkets off the greenbelt - MPs