《汽车商业评论》:接下来咱们谈些轻松的话题,为什么你会对德·托马索(De Tomaso)的汽车情有独钟?
...利兰博基尼这种在跑车界地位非凡的品牌,其实在意大利这个充满激情的国度里,制作超跑的厂家也数全球最多,德托马索(De Tomaso)就是其中之一。
... De Tomaso 德托马索牌汽车 ; 德托马索 ; 德托玛索 ; 造商德托马索汽车公司 Tomaso Albinoni 阿尔比诺尼 ; 托马索·阿尔比诺尼 ; 比诺尼 Tomaso Family 多玛佐家族 ...
托马索(De Tomaso)汽车公司组成市场联盟开拓美国市场,但是收效甚微。恶梦继续纠缠着兰博基尼,费鲁吉欧?
托马索 ; 德托马索
De Tomaso, a maker of sporty cars, has been in financial trouble for years.
ECONOMIST: Chinese and other buyers snap up Italian brands
His grandfather had been Italian, and Mr De Tomaso decided to make the return journey.
ECONOMIST: Alejandro De Tomaso | The
Mr De Tomaso got a job with Maserati (which he was later to own for a time).
ECONOMIST: Alejandro De Tomaso, car maker, died on May 21st, aged 74