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复合声音 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Syllable is a nonsignificant composite sound, made up of a mute and a Letter having a sound (a vowel or semivowel); for GR, without an a, is just as much a Syllable as GRA, with an a. 音节是由一个哑音字母和一个发声字母(元音或者半元音)构成的无意义的复合声音,没有A时GR是一个音节,而有a时gra也是一个音节。 - 2
Syllable is a nonsignificant composite sound, made up of a mute and a Letter having a sound (a vowel or semivowel ); for GR, without an A, is just as much a Syllable as GRA, with an A. 音节是由一个哑音字母和一个发声字母(元音或者半元音)构成的无意义的复合声音,没有A时GR是一个音节,而有A时GRA也是一个音节。 - 3
A Syllable is a nonsignificant composite sound, made up of a mute and a Letter having a sound (a vowel or semivowel); for GR, without an a, is just as much a Syllable as GRA, with an a. 音节是由一个哑音字母和一个发声字母(元音或者半元音)构成的无意义的复合声音,没有A时GR是一个音节,而有a时gra也是一个音节。