释义 |
1 ?复杂易位 复杂易位 ( complex translocation ) 指涉及多条染色体的染色体易位. 2 ?复合易位 (4)复合易位(complex translocation):是涉及三次以上的断裂。
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Rare Carrier of Complex Translocation With 46, XY, t (4; 21; 11) Causes Habitual Abortion. 一例罕见的46,xy, t(4; 21; 11)复杂易位携带者引起习惯性流产。 - 2
A Rare Carrier of Complex Translocation With 46, XY, t (4; 21; 11) Causes Habitual Abortion. 一例罕见的46,xy, t(4; 21; 11)复杂易位携带者引起习惯性流产。 - 3
Conclusion PKC took place translocation activation during cerebral ischemia reperfusion, PKC promoted the expression of FOS and BCL 2. Their complex role influenced the neuronal apoptosis. 结论缺血再灌注期间PKC发生易位激活,PK C促进了FOS和BCL - 2的表达,这几个因素综合作用影响神经细胞凋亡。