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您要找的是不是: ciscon. 加拿大白鲑(一种青鱼);Cisco公司(... 独联体4 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
A polyisoprene in which the isoprene units are joined in the 1, 4 -manner and in which they occur in the cis isomeric form. 异戊二烯单元以1,4 -方式连接并以顺式异构形式存在的一种聚异戊二烯。 - 2
Results obtained with cis-1, 4 polybutadiene and low density polyethylene are given as illustrative examples. 文中尚有顺- 1,4聚丁二烯及高压聚乙烯的实测示例。 - 3
A rubber produced from butadiene by polymerization with Ziegler catalysts to a cis-1, 4 structure. 丁二烯借助齐格勒催化剂聚合成顺- 1,4结构的橡胶。