The Z1 is the first TV and tuner box capable of transmitting an uncompressed Blu-ray signal from across the room, courtesy of the SiBEAM 60-gigahertz WirelessHD chip inside.
Z 1是第一台无线电视,调频器盒能穿越房间传输一种无压缩的蓝光信号,它内部装有SiBEAM 60千兆赫的WirelessHD芯片。
A mortgage banker, Chip Paillex had never planted so much as a window box until he moved to rural Pittstown, New Jersey, seven years ago.
The set-top box will run on the 'Cell' processor, a chip with super-computer muscle to churn out intense, high-definition graphics found in today's PlayStation 3 video games.