释义 |
- 证书链:一系列数字证书,用于验证证书颁发者和证书持有者之间的信任关系。
1 ?证书链 这样就形成了一个“证书链”(Certificate chain),也称“证书路径”(Certificate path):最开始为用户持有的证书,最末尾为自己给自己签名的证书。 2 ?第三节 ... 6. 用发证机关对该证书的数字签名(Certificate Signature) 第三节 数字证书的级联(Certificate Chain) (责任编辑:admin) ... 3 ?数字证书的级联 第三节 数字证书的级联(CERTIFICATE CHAIN) , c& i, W7 F; Y 第五章 SSL的基本原理
- 1
A certificate chain for the signature certificate, but not the trusted root certificate. - 2
A certificate chain for the signature certificate, including the trusted root certificate. - 3
A certificate chain for the signature certificate, including the trusted root certificate.