...us System Structure) 7.7.2时钟偏移(Clock Skew) 7.7.3选通时钟(Gating the Clock) 7.7.4异步输入(Asynchronous Inputs) 本章小结(Brief Summary of this Chapter) 思考题和习题第8章半导体存储器和可编程逻辑器件(Semiconductor Memory and Progr...
...具有预置和清零端的D触发器) PR_L D Q QL CLK CLR_L PR D Q PR preset CLR clear CLK Q ——asynchronous inputs(异步输入端) CLR 通常用于初始化电路状态、测试等。
You can add an event handler to any scope when a process is long running (as we will explain, long running means that the process is interruptible and can wait for external asynchronousinputs).