释义 |
- 职业志向:指一个人对自己未来职业发展的期望和目标。
1 ?进而促进其生涯渴望 ...鼓励大专学生进行生涯探索(career exploration),训练其生涯规划(career planning)之技巧,进而促进其生涯渴望(career aspiration),刺激其潜力发挥,往..
- 1
It bases on the principle of self-respect, 'self-cherish and freedom, such principle comes out through the aspiration for the official career as well as exalting individual life style. 它以生命本身的自尊、自重与自由为原则,通过对个人功名事业的追求以及能张扬个体的生活方式体现出来。 - 2
Yes, this was a risk to leave a job like this, but now it was Buck's aspiration to give up crime all together and find a career that was less stressful and damaging to his arteries. 是的,离开这样的工作是一种冒险,但是现在巴克有一种强烈的愿望,那就是彻底即出江湖,寻找一份压力更小,不那么损伤脑筋的工作。 - 3
Yes, this was a risk to leave a job like this, but now it was Buck's aspiration to give up crime all together and find a career that was less stressful and damaging to his arteries. 是的,离开这样的工作是一种冒险,但是现在巴克有一种强烈的愿望,那就是彻底即出江湖,寻找一份压力更小、不那么损伤脑筋的工作。