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1 ?主席 ...体会员协办(Coadjutant):沈阳三生制药有限责任公司 地点(Place):厦门国际会议展览中心I 期4 层402 会议室 执行主席(Co-Chairs):马 军 教授 石远凯 教授 王杰军 教授 研讨专家(Panelists): 王宏羽 教授 刘云鹏 教授 主题报告(Keynote Speech): 14:30~15:... 2 ?共同主持人 18 th, 2008 ( Tuesday ) 9:30~12:00 9:30~12:00 议题 3 :推动绿色能源产业策略 共同主持人 ( Co-Chairs ) : ..
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"STARBUCKS has comfy chairs, but they don't charge people for sitting in them," says Tom McInerney, the boss and co-founder of Guba, an internet-video company. “星巴克有舒适的座椅,但他们可没跟坐上去的人收费”,网上视频公司Guba的创办者之一,老板汤姆·麦克纳尼说。 - 2
“STARBUCKS has comfy chairs, but they don't charge people for sitting in them, ” says Tom McInerney, the boss and co-founder of Guba, an internet-video company. 网络视频公司Guba的老板和创立者Tom McInerney说:“星巴克的座椅很舒服,但顾客坐在上面却无需付费。” - 3
"It's forcing hard decisions," said Simon Stuart, co-author of the paper, who chairs the species survival commission at the International Union for Conservation of Nature. “它将迫使人们作出艰难抉择。”论文联合作者西蒙·斯图亚特(Simon Stuart)如是说道。