关键词 : 军曹鱼 ; 弧菌病 ; 创伤弧菌 ; 药敏试验 [gap=7136]Key words: cobia; vibrio sis; V ibrio vu lnif icus; drug sensitivity
...Y WORDS Rachycent ron canadum Artificial breeding Feeding Growt h 军曹鱼 Rachycent ron canadum ,又称海鲡( Cobia) 、海龙鱼,隶属鲈形目、军曹鱼科、军曹鱼属(孟庆闻 1987) ,为中型暖水性海水鱼类,分布在大西洋、印度洋和太平洋等热带水域,在我...
The feeding intensity during the period of 6:00-8:00 am and 16:00-18:00 pm was maximum. It seemed that the Cobia feeding rhythm was characterized by twilight feeding.