释义 |
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Sensationally, he claimed the painting showed the Earl of Southampton, a nobleman linked to the Cobbes. 这真是耸人听闻,他声称,现在发现的这幅画显示了一个贵族、南安普敦伯爵,与科布家族有一定的联系。 - 2
When the Cobbes moved to Ireland, the portrait of the androgynous earl and the portrait of his friend, the playwright, are believed to have gone with them. 当科布家搬迁到爱尔兰时,两性化的南安普敦伯爵的画像和他的朋友、剧作家莎士比亚的肖像,被认为已经随科布家庭一起到了爱尔兰。 - 3
The Cobbes were considered benevolent, and went to great lengths to help poor families during the Famine, but their fortunes had faded by the middle of the last century. 科布的一家一向被人们认为是仁慈的,在发生饥荒时,他们就努力地帮助那些贫困家庭,可是他家的景况在上个世纪的中叶就已经开始衰败了。