...为了向包装设计史上的不朽经典致敬,纪念可口可乐弧形瓶诞生100周年,可口可乐公司携手法国艺术时尚出版社阿苏利纳(Assouline)限量出版一部名为《Kiss the Past Hello》的画册,记录可口可乐弧形瓶的丰富历史。
... 书名: Dior 出版社: Assouline 装帧: Hardcover ...
阿苏利纳 ; 皮埃尔·阿苏里 ; 阿索利纳 ; 皮埃尔·阿苏林
Now Assouline is at it again, in search of investors for a new development in China.
FORBES: Fish and Game
Assouline declares that business is so good, even in these tough times, that membership will soon be closed.
Assouline has also published GAIA, a large book of of unseen photographs from the trip.
FORBES: Space-Traveling Cirque Du Soleil Founder On Elon Musk: He Did The First Step For Galactic Tourism