释义 |
中国铅笔 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?一种蚀刻画工具 ... Chinese pear 砂梨 Chinese pencil 一种蚀刻画工具(有坚固、锐利的鬃毛, 在腐蚀过程中用以搅动酸液) Chinese potato 山药, 薯蓣 ...
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Objective:To verify equivalence of the Computer and Paper-and-Pencil Administrations the Chinese version of EPQ. 目的:检验EPQ电脑与纸笔测试方式的等值性和优劣。 - 2
I still can't forget that when I was a pupil. It is the year when I in Grade 3, I have write some Chinese words with the brush, and drew some painting, to exchange some pencil with my classmates. 我仍然忘不了,小学三年级的时候,我曾经随意地写一些漂亮地毛笔字,或者画一些画儿,和同学换铅笔芯儿。 - 3
Published: Xu Junxuan Oil Painting From Life, Xu Junxuan- Warehouse of Chinese Contemporary Artist Paintings, Pencil Sketching Studies, Watercolor Skill, etc. 出版有《徐君萱油画风景写生》、《徐君萱——中国当代艺术家画库》等。