释义 |
平衡方 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 [口腔]?平衡侧 ... balancing side 平衡侧 band removing pliers 带环去除钳 band seater 带环就位器 ... 2 ?平衡测 ... balancing sheet ==> 平衡薄板,补偿薄板 balancing side ==> 平衡测 balancing speed ==> 均衡速率,平衡转速=>均衡速度 ...
- 1
Building up a two-sided market, and balancing the needs of each side, require pricing strategies that would make little sense in more traditional, one-sided industries. 建立一个双边市场并且平衡每一边的需求,需要价格策略。这种策略在大多数传统单边工业中毫无意义。 - 2
The polar bear stayed with the ship for nearly an hour, and finally stood up and peered into the ship's lower portholes while balancing its massive PAWS on either side of the Windows. 它和船只一起呆了将近一小时,最后站起身,从船只下部的舷窗向里张望,同时用两只爪子扶着窗户两边保持平衡。 - 3
Lei Zhu, author of the article, then surveys conventional load balancing approaches used on the server side, starting with "Round Robin DNS" and notes. 作者朱磊(音译lei Zhu)分析了我们常用的服务端负载均衡手段——循环dns (Round Robin DNS),文中提到。