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1 ?大脑回 ... cerebral gyrus 大脑回 lingual gyrus 舌回 ectosylvian gyrus 西尔维安(氏)外侧回...
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Results On ct characteristic appearances of the cerebral gyrus was enlarged, cerebral cortex was thick, but the internal surface of cortex was smooth, cerebral medulla became thin. 结果巨脑回畸形ct影像特征性的表现大脑半球脑回增宽,脑皮层增厚,皮层内表面光滑,白质变薄。 - 2
Also, some regions of cerebral cortex that border visual and auditory cortices—the left fusiform gyrus, for example—expand territory in blind people to make use of the idle circuitry in visual cortex. 一些大脑皮质里也控制视觉和听觉的区域,比如纺锤体,在人失去视力后会扩大范围来利用视觉中枢里的闲置网络。 - 3
Results: NOS1-positive neurons were distributed in wide areas of CNS including cerebral cortex, hippocampus, dentate gyrus, diencephalon and brain stem. 结果:NOS1阳性神经元分布于中枢神经系统的广泛区域,包括大脑皮质、海马、齿状回、间脑和脑干。