释义 |
- 五度圈:按升(对于升调)或降(对于降调)五度的间隔排序的调或音域。
1 ?五度圈 五度圈(circle of fifths):西洋古代的定律法则,先由某律开始,向上推进五度,产生一新律,由此律再向上推进五度,又生一新律,如此推进十一次产生十二个... 2 ?五度循环 3.5 和弦选择器 如果你学习过乐理,你应该知道 circle of fifths(五度循环)是现代音乐理论的基础。
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Scales, keys, key signatures, circle of fifths, etc. - 2
Those of you who have a basic knowledge of music theory, will notice that I started in the key of E-major, and moved leftwards in the circle of fifths. 如果你知道乐理的基本知识,那么就会注意到我从e大调开始,然后沿5度圈逆时针转动到下一个调。 - 3
Is it because we have become accustomed to the chromatic scale which is a direct byproduct of the circle of fifths, or is there an underlying biological origin? 难道是我们已经习惯了半音音阶这个从五度循环直接衍生出来的结果吗?也许,另有什么内在的生物学起源?