释义 |
有色金 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?色金 ... 色境 visible objects the realm of vision or form 色金 coloured gold 色镜 colored shade; rock shade; shade glass ... 2
- 1
Gold, silver, ivory, coral, coloured glass, wool and horses went one way; silk, walnuts, ginger, rhubarb, bamboo and lacquer ware came the other. 一边运送的是金、银、象牙、珊瑚、彩色玻璃、羊毛和马匹,另一边的货物是丝绸、胡桃、姜、大黄、竹制品和漆器。 - 2
Megan ran on the brick road but bumped into a well dressed man in red and gold glowing robes with a long black coloured moustache. 梅金跑到了石子路上,不小心撞到了一位穿着得体的男子,他身穿金红色的长衫,留着又长又黑的胡子。 - 3
The production procedure include design, wooden work, machine carving, oil painting, gold pressing, coloured drawing, packing and marketing. 设计、木工项目分类、机械雕刻、油漆、按金、彩绘、包装、销售服务等各生产程序组成。