释义 |
- 种族隔离:一系列社会或法律障碍,将有色人种与白人隔离开来,阻止有色人种享有与白人相同的权利和机会。
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It utilizes space, mass, texture, line, light, and color. - 2
For example, in the comic and cartoon industries, there are now AI tools that can automatically (自动) color in black-and-white line drawings. 例如,在漫画和卡通行业,现在有可以自动为黑白线稿上色的人工智能工具。 - 3
When Skipper Rolando spotted a color line in the water, with deeper blue water on one side and greenish blue water on the other, he signaled to put lines into the water. 船长罗兰多注意到水面上有一条色线,线的一侧是深蓝色的海水,而另一侧则呈现出蓝绿色,他示意该往水中放线了。