释义 |
- 接单生产:指根据客户的订单进行生产,而不是提前生产和储存产品。
1 ?面向订单装配 2、订单装配(ATO)模式 面向订单装配(Assemble to Order,ATO)是指在生产的最后阶段,用库存的通用零部件装配满足客户订单需求的产品。 2 ?按订单装配 按订单装配(assemble to order,简称 ATO),是指在生产的最后阶段,用库存的通用零部件装配满足客户 订单的产品。适用于多品种中小批量生产的企业。 3 ?订货组装 ? 装配生产/订货组装(Assemble To Order,ATO) 是订货生产的特例。根据现有库存的零部件(通用件或标准件) 按照客户的订单要求有选择地组装,一般用于... 4 ?订单装配 ... assembly 组装品,装配 assemble to order 订单装配 ATP 可供承诺 ...
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Infrastructure is a useful term to describe collections of roles, tools, and practices that organizations assemble and integrate in order to provide services and support for software development. 基础是一个用以描述角色、工具和实践活动集合的有用的术语,组织将这些元素组装和集成在一起,以提供软件开发的服务和支持。 - 2
As I toldmy colleagues, in order to convey a comprehensive representation of thesituation, it is necessary to assemble the background events leading up to thecurrent state of affairs. 正如我告诉同僚的,要全面认清当时的形势,就必须综合导致当前局势的各种各样的背景事件。 - 3
In order to raise money, she wanted to participate in a creative competition, so recently she went to Guangdong Industrial University to assemble ideas by offering kisses. 为了筹钱,她想参加一个创意比赛,因此日前来到广东工业大学献吻征集创意。