释义 |
如前所述 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?如前面所见到的那样 ... as opposed to 完全不同, 截然相反, 反对, 对照 as previously seen 如前面所见到的那样, 前面已经见到 as soon as 一……就…… ...
- 1
His films have come out less often but have continued to make waves if not quite of the caliber as previously seen. 他的影片有所减少,虽达不到以往的水准但仍有轰动效应。其中包括《永远的蝙蝠侠》。 - 2
Enter the door, there was no gallery, as previously seen, as the smell from the hospitality of flattery, and endless self-praise. 踏进门时,没有像以前所见到的画廊那样扑鼻而来的是殷勤的奉承和滔滔不绝的自我夸奖。 - 3
As previously seen, widgets must inherit from the dijit._Widget class, which defines and provides the basic behavior for a Dojo widget. 如前面看到的,小部件必须继承自dijit . _ widget类,它定义并提供了Dojo小部件的基本行为。