释义 |
- n.龙息:源自神话传说中的龙喷出的火焰,通常用来形容某种强烈的热力或火焰。
1 ?龙王的叹息 特定魔法‘圣乔治圣域’龙王的叹息(Dragon Breath):同时发动两种攻击,单线攻击力 2 ?龙王之叹息 贝熊发射出一个巨大赤红的巨大能量弹,打向 龙王之叹息 ( Dragon Breath ),两种力量不相上下 贝熊;居然能和龙破斩打成平手? 3 ?神龙吐珠 ...文学还不像现在这般流行,游戏中的魔法译名都采用了武侠味十足的译法,如"力压千钧"(Mass Distortion)、"神龙吐珠"(Dragon Breath),也总算早期"本地化"的一种另类表现了。
- 1
The Greek fire-dragon the Chimaera was slain at her lair but – being immortal – her blazing breath lived on. 希腊神话中的火龙奇美拉被杀死在它的巢穴之中,但是怨恨的气息却得到了永生。 - 2
Instead, she asked the dragon if he could burn five forests down with one breath. - 3
At that time, people buy food queues is like a long dragon, the grandmother is squeezed to be out of breath. 那时,买菜的人队伍排得像长龙,外婆被挤得都要喘不过气来了。