释义 |
- n.[交]押运
- adj.护卫的;押运的
- v.护卫;陪同(escort 的 ing 形式)
1 ?迎亲 区楚良夫妇参加了新郎迎亲(Escorting)的整个过程 。 2 ?护驾 赵云,刘备称其一身是胆,军士呼其虎威将军,武力百分值我看怎么也要95,刘备过江去东吴娶妻,只带赵云护驾(Escorting),诸葛亮吊丧周郎,也只带赵云,这就可以看出赵云的实力是多让人放心,虽然在五虎上将里不是第一位,但其做为刘备的贴身保镖,功绩绝不... 3 [交]?押运 押运的(escorting), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 4 ?护航 ... escorted = 护航的 escorting = 护航 escorts = 伴游 ...
- 1
If I am well informed, a ship is on its way and will dock on the 28th of October escorting a WFP ship. 如果我得到的消息是正确的话,另一艘船正在前往当地的路上,而且会在10月28号停靠码头护送一艘世界粮食计划署的船只。 - 2
"I haven't the faintest idea what you're saying," the white coat said, taking him by the arm and escorting him down the corridor. “我问的根本不是你说的那意思,”穿白色大衣的人说,抓住他的胳膊,护送他来到走廊。 - 3
However, the staff member escorting the man out of the bank noticed the knife sticking out of his pocket and a bloodstain on his trousers. 然而,送他出去的银行职员发现他的口袋里露出一把刀,而且他的裤子上还有血迹。