释义 |
1 ?童服 ... child's cap with pompon 带绒球童帽 child's clothing 童服 child's cot 儿童床 ...
- 1
One of Illyrio's chests had been packed with a child's clothing, musty but well made. 伊利·里欧给的其中一个箱子里塞满了儿童服饰,虽然陈旧但是质量上乘。 - 2
Before stepping on, check your child's clothing (and yours) for loose or dangling parts (like shoelaces, drawstrings, mittens) which can be trapped in moving parts. 登上电梯之前,仔细检查自己和自己的孩子的衣物有没有松开或垂挂的可能被卷入扶梯的部分,比如鞋带、 绳子、手套等。 - 3
Grandparents a child's clothes are worn, and eating are also Bran, in order to trunk the year live, remuneration is not enough food and clothing for their families. 爷爷奶奶小时候的衣服都是破破烂烂的,吃的也都是谷糠,为地主干一年的活,所得的报酬还不够家人的温饱。