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1 [染料]?碱性染料 分子中带有阳离子的染料还有 碱性染料 ( basic dyes ),是一些比较老的染料品种,其中的一部分也可用于腈纶纤维染色,但颜色的鲜艳度.染 2 ?盐基性染料 5、盐基性染料(basic dyes) 或称阳离子性染料 ( cationic dyes ) 主染纤维:亚克力(acrylic)及c.d.y染c.d.y时,用沉淀防止剂;染acrylic时加缓染剂。 3 ?碱性色素 ... (遗传病中的)基本缺陷 basic defect 碱性色素 basic dye (染色体的)基数 basic number ... 4 ?碱性颜料 ... 碱性岩 alkaline rock 碱性颜料 basic dye; basic color 碱性阳极液 basic anolyte ...
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The result of this test was obtained from the model of rotating disk, inoculated with pure culture and activated sludge, and with dye waste water as basic media. 本试验结果是用生物转盘模型,纯培养接种和活性污泥接种,并以染色废水为基本培养基取得的。 - 2
The basic principles of penetrant inspection, the factors affecting the inspection, the development of a new-type of dye penetrant and its performance are described. 介绍渗透检测的基本原理,分析影响渗透检测灵敏度的因素,着重阐述一种新型着色渗透液的研制情况及其性能指标。 - 3
In this paper, the basic overview of CD-R dye is provided, including the mechanics of recording, the kind of CD-R dye and its spin-coating and edge wash. 本文简要介绍了CD - R染料的基本概况,主要包括CD - R染料的记录机理,CD - R染料的基本类型和其配制和涂布、洗边等主要工艺等。