释义 |
basic dimension 美/ ?be?s?k d??men?n; ?be?s?k da??men?n / 1 ?基本尺寸 ... 规则#1, #2 (Rule #1, #2) 基本尺寸(Basic Dimension) 实效边界条件(Virtual Condition) ...
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Thee first important target of chair designing is proper functionality, which means basic dimension, relaxing, working, dining, ets. 座椅设计的首要目的是功能合理,使它的基本尺度适应人体机能的各种变化,能舒适地座谈、学习、娱乐、休息、工作、进餐等。 。 - 2
You can combine these basic query types, which represent the dimension, edge, and data queries described here, to model more complex situations. 可以组合这些表示维、边界和数据查询的基本查询类型,以建模更复杂的情况。 - 3
It takes minuscule extra effort to choose a pair of sandals to take away with you, yet they add a style dimension to even the most basic shorts-and-vest holiday look. 多花一点小小的力气,你就能挑出一双心水的皮凉鞋跟着你去旅行,更别提它还能给哪怕最简单的短裤加汗衫的度假装扮增添有层次的时尚感。