释义 |
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Machiavelli, he notes, concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for the two to go together, it is much safer to be feared than loved." 他指出 Machiavelli 总结说: “一个人应该既让人敬畏又让人爱戴,但由于两者很难同时存在,因此让人敬畏比让人爱戴要安全得多。” - 2
Joan Durbeyfield always managed to find consolation somewhere: 'Well, as one of the genuine stock, she ought to make her way with' en, if she plays her trump card aright. 琼·德北菲尔德总是能够从什么地方找到安慰:“好啦,作为真正的嫡亲后裔,只要她的王牌出得好,她应该把他吸引住的。” - 3
Financial globalisation itself, they imply, ought to be seen not so much as a bad thing, but as too much of a good one. 他们认为,金融全球化本身不应该看作一件坏事,而是一件好事。