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1 ?焦炉逸散物 焦炉逸散物(Coke oven emission, COE)中的致癌性多环芳烃(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAH)是导... 2 ?的焦炉逸散物 焦炉工在工作过程中经皮肤和呼吸道接触大量含有PAHs的焦炉逸散物(Coke oven emissions, COEs)。流行病学调查表明焦炉工具有较高的患肺癌的风险。 3 ?例如焦炉逸散物 ...中心》2010年博士论文 yclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs)的职业暴露是职业肺癌的主要原因,例如焦炉逸散物(Coke oven emission, COE)中含有的致突变和致癌性的多环芳烃(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,.. 4 ?和焦炉逸散物 14 山西医科大学馥士学位论文 讨论 在炼焦过程中,工人暴露于高温和焦炉逸散物(Coke Oven Emission,COE)等多种有害环境中,后者包括多种有害物质如:苯、芳基 胺、多环芳烃、一氧化碳、氮氧化物、粉尘等。
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It showed that the worker's DNA may be damaged and their health affected due to exposure to coke oven emission. 结果表明,长期接触焦炉逸散物可损伤作业工人的遗传物质dna,影响工人的健康。 - 2
A method for determination of PAH in coke oven emission is described. PAH aerosol were collected by glass fibre filter (GF) and polyurethane foam filter (PUF) simultaneously. 本方法用璃玻纤维滤膜(GF)和聚氨酯泡沫塑料(PUF)采集焦炉逸散物中多环芳烃(PAH)。 - 3
Zero emission of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and dust is realized in the coke-oven plant.