But you also need to watch your afternoon drinks, says Joan Salge Blake, RD, a clinicalassociate professor at Boston University.
另外,你还要注意你的下午茶波士顿大学临床学副教授,营养师Joan Salge Blake提醒道。
"I'm big on simplifying everything," said Dr. Jeffrey S. Dover, an associateclinical professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine.
Berlin is medical director of the crisis service at the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division and an associateclinical professor of psychiatry at the medical College of Wisconsin.
柏林是密尔沃基县(the Milwaukee County)行为健康科危机处理室的医疗主任,他也是威斯康星医学院(Medical College of Wisconsin)的一位临床精神病学副教授。