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C指示器 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
In a 1984 book, Claire C, Robertson argued that, before colonialism, age was a more important indicator of status and authority than gender in Ghana and in Africa generally. 在1984年的一本书中,克莱尔· C ·罗伯逊认为,在殖民主义出现之前,在加纳和整个非洲,年龄是地位和权威的一个更重要的指标,而不是性别。 - 2
C could just as well have used "|announce|t", but the backslash fascinated with its brevity, preceding Microsoft's using it for their file hierarchy indicator. 语言当然也可以使用“|announce|t”,但反斜杠的简短令人着迷,此时微软还没将反斜杠用作文件层级指示符(路径层级)。 - 3
You can configure object-level defaults or specific object health indicator settings through the Health Center, the CLP, or a C-based API. For example, using either of these methods you can configure 通过 Health Center、CLP、或基于 C 的 API,可以为对象级或特定对象的健康状况监视器配置默认设置。