...ials This is Washington is regarded as part of the image of the ancient Roman citizens the hero 辛辛纳图斯 (Cincinnatus): public will assume Administrative seen as a civic duty Washington unanimously elected president his wife Martha disapp...
... Cinaria 西那利亚岛 Cincinnatus 辛辛那图斯 Cinna 秦纳 ...
西西奈特斯的故事 ; 新新纳图归田记
So it's a very important image of Cincinnatus giving back his military authority back to the civilian authorities.
NPR: A Quick Trip Through the History of Capitol Hill
This may be Cheney's way of playing Cincinnatus, the citizen-statesman who laid down his plow to return to Rome.
FORBES: Cheney's Done So Well He Can Afford To Do Good
Mr. BEUTTLER: Absolutely, because Cincinnatus is the - the image that you see is really one of the first ones that he painted.