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1 ?升麻属 这位女性目前还不想服用激素,所以可以让她尝试一种植物疗法,即从升麻属(Cimicifuga)的根茎提取出来的浸膏,这种浸膏已经经过了很好的研究,德文名为“美类叶升麻”。 2 ?升麻属植物 升麻属植物(Cimicifuga)的根茎提取物是可供选择的植物药之一。升麻属 植物黑升麻(Cimicifuga racemosa或blackcohosh)的药用历史近两百年。 3 ?升麻 中国中药杂志 关键词: 升麻 三萜皂苷 7 8-二脱氢-27-脱氧升麻亭 抗骨质疏松[gap=945]keywords: cimicifuga foetida triterpenoid 7,8-didehydro-27-deoxyactein antiosteoporosis
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Any of several plants of the genus Cimicifuga, native to northern temperate regions and including the black cohosh. 升麻属植物一种升麻属植物,原产于北温带地区,包括黑升麻。 - 2
Cimicifuga Romose L. can resist against bacterium, low down the blood pressure, restrain the cardiac muscle, slow down the cardiotachometer, and also sedation. 黑升麻具有抗菌、降压、抑制心肌、减慢心率、镇静作用。 - 3
[Pharmacological Action] Cimicifuga Romose L. can resist against bacterium, low down the blood pressure, restrain the cardiac muscle, slow down the cardiotachometer, and also sedation. 【药理作用】黑升麻具有抗菌、降压、抑制心肌、减慢心率、镇静作用。