释义 |
1 ?雪茄形的 ... spherical adj. 球形的 cigar-shaped adj. 雪茄形的 lateral fin n. 侧鳍 ...
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The craft was neither saucer-shaped or cigar-shaped, but somewhere in between, something like a elongated saucer. 该工艺既不是飞碟形或雪茄状,而是介于两者之间,像一个拉长的飞碟的东西。 - 2
Rather than use either a spherical or a cigar-shaped aerostat, as the gas-filled envelope of a lighter-than-air craft is known, Skylifter has developed a discus-shaped one. 相对于我们熟知的球形或者雪茄形的内部充满轻于空气的高空气球,Skylifter开发的是一个铁饼状的。 - 3
He lights a cigar and blows a perfect, heart-shaped smoke ring at Sienna, who LACES it with her slender arm as though it were a bracelet. 他点上一只雪茄,冲西耶娜吐出一个完美的、心状的烟圈,她用她那纤弱的胳膊在那圈中穿过,好像那圈是个手镯似的。