释义 |
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Tunhe lists A shares, primarily for domestic investors, in Shanghai. - 2
His 350,000 class-A shares and 75 million class-B shares, valued at more than $49 billion at recent prices, represent a 24.3% stake. 巴菲特持有伯克希尔哈撒韦公司350,000股A类股和7,500万股B类股,以近期股价计算价值超过490亿美元,占公司总股本的24.3%。 - 3
In any case, the shares Schmidt plans to sell are all Class a shares - the ones that trade freely in the markets and carry a single vote for each share. 不管怎么说,施密特计划出售的都是A级股,即能在市场上自由交易并每股带有1票投票权的股票。