公寓坐落在一座石头房子内,距离卡拉诺(Carano)的中心和Alpe Cermis滑雪场均有4公里,距离A22高速公路有30分钟的车程。
... 所属州: DE 名字: Carano 姓: F ...
吉娜·卡拉诺 ; 卡拉诺 ; 吉娜·卡瑞诺 ; 卡瑞诺
There are enough twists and turns to keep you guessing for a while and Carano is just so much fun to watch.
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Supposedly, according to IMDB, they have real-life MMA fighter Gina Carano, a woman who can hold her own in a ring and do her own stunts.
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Mallory Kane (Carano) is a former Marine, turned mercenary.